Our Wedding WEEKEND

August 9-10, 2024

From the very beginning of our planning process we have known that we wanted to create a full weekend experience. Knowing that no matter where we decided to host our wedding, there would be a lot of people traveling. Recognizing the distance that people would be traveling for us, we have intentionally set aside time to spend with our guests throughout the weekend. Check out the events tab to find out where we will be.

About Kaylee: Kaylee is a sassy, adventurous, and organized person. Since day one, she has brought calm to the storms of life. She always keeps me focused and motivated. She brings the perfect balance of order and planning to my spontaneous and often chaotic life.
~ Carlin

About Carlin: Carlin is a driven, adventurous and steadfast person. He has been my best friend from the beginning and he is always pushing me to be the best version of myself. When he puts his mind to something, he gives it a 100% effort. He is forever finding unique ways to wreck what I think are perfectly good plans.
~ Kaylee

Once upon a time… A guy and a girl both attended a university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They crossed paths several times before actually introducing themselves at the Halloween dance. They spent most of their evenings and free time together over the next several weeks getting to know one another. After spending several weeks apart due to the fall and winter breaks, they both knew it was something they wanted to pursue. The early years of their relationship was spent talking on the phone more than actually being together. It was a big test for both and they can now confidently say it helped them build a strong foundation and taught them a lot about themselves and each other. Since she graduated and moved to Michigan, they have spent a lot more time together in person. When they aren’t working, they spend as much time as possible exploring the outdoors. They have kept themselves busy with a dumpster rental + landscaping company and working weddings. They are both very excited for this next chapter and can’t wait to see where it leads.